Case Studies

Image of poor root filling

The root filling was not fit for purpose and the patient went on to lose the tooth. The tooth was extracted, the site bone grafted and then a dental implant was placed.

The claim was settled for £12,000

Image of poor crown margins

The tooth could not be saved and required extraction, bone graft and a dental implant.

The claim was settled for £9,000

Image of perforated crown

The cost of a root filling and crown were claimed as well as the future cost of extraction and implant placement and restoration. The dentist had drilled through the patient’s new crown to make the bite better.

The claim was settled for £20,000 (there were several other issues involved in this case).

Image of Dental Implant perforating the inferior dental canal.

After the implant was placed on the bottom right, the patient developed permanently numb lower right lip. The claim was settled for in excess of £40,000.

Swallowed tooth during failed extraction.

The dentist dropped the tooth and the patient swallowed the tooth. The claim is being settled for in excess of £100,000

Undiagnosed decay

The decay in the UL5 was missed and the patient went on suffer a dental abscess.

The cost of a root filling and crown were claimed as well as the future cost of extraction and implant placement and restoration. The claim was settled for just under £20,000

Image of perforated crown